Monday, July 17, 2006

Cu Chi Tunnels

We visited the Cu Chi Tunnel’s 60km north west of HCMC. The tunnels are the end of the Ho Chi Minh Trail. This was the battle field of Cu Chi.

The VC hid from the Americans in an underground labyrinth of tunnels. At the height of the war the tunnels covered 250km. It’s hard to imagine that whole communities of people lived, cooked, gave birth and fought a war living like termites.

We crawled through the tunnels for about 50m and two levels down…. Scary Stuff!!! Check out the link for more info on the Cu Chi tunnels.

The Tunnels were clearly not designed for Westerner's, we were relieved to get out after 10 minutes.

Down the sights of the M16. The noise nearly deafened Adele

Trying my hand at firing the AK47 Assault rifle.

A yankee tank destroyed by a 5kg homemade bomb.

Our guide demonstrating how the VC hid in the Fox Hole's.

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